A young child came in with an unusual pain around the low back /hip area which precipitated from a normal move he had made during basketball camp. As soon as I started working on him he expressed continued pain which is far from usual in my work. This indicated very strongly to me that he should be looked at by the chiropractor in the office. She then confirmed the tightness I had found in his body a few weeks ago. Due to the amount of tightness in his body and the adjustments needed to address it, it left him feeling pretty tender. This feeling can last up to 24+ hours and I informed him of the same. What became really helpful after the adjustment was the Craniosacral Fascial Therapy wellness session that was continued after the adjustment. It was timely, in that it soothed, comforted and relaxed his body, and helped it to integrate the adjustment. If you or your child are having complications from a sports / athletic injury, consider a combination of Craniosacral Fascial Therapy and Chiropractic to get your bodies and tissues back in order.

By | 2018-07-09T18:48:04+00:00 July 2nd, 2018|

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