5 Simple Steps to Help You Stay Positive, Focused & Present in The Now

5 Simple Steps to Help You Stay Positive, Focused & Present in The Now

Here are 5 simple steps to take daily to help yourself stay focused, positive and present in the now:
1.  Take a few minutes each morning to acknowledge your progress and to count your blessings.
2.  Take 10 interrupted minutes to just sit/ stand / lie down. Allow yourself to simply FEEL.
3.  Take 2 minutes to bring in clarity, hope and joy.
4.  Make a plan of with 1-2 steps that will move you towards your goals.
5.  Take a minute to just love yourself. 

Following these steps at least once a day will allow you to start to feel so much more supported by YOURSELF, which in turn will allow you to stay focused and positively present in the now. 

If you’ve enjoyed these tips or found them to be beneficial, please share them or drop me a line.

By | 2017-10-07T04:24:05+00:00 June 15th, 2014|Tags: |