Monthly Archives: December 2017

Empowering the Individual

I feel immensely grateful that a client I made a recommendation to a couple years ago to support their health and to empower them, has grown in their own awareness and connection with themselves that they strongly feel the need to continue my recommendation.😊 What support system(s) are you and your health surrounded with?

By | 2017-12-20T11:25:08+00:00 December 14th, 2017|

Self Care…

Helping my clients resolve their health issues and keep their health in order serves as a strong reflection for me to pay attention to my own health. I have become much more aware of what get me off balance, causes me stress or doesn’t serve or support me. If you haven’t considered bodywork as part of your health and wellness routine I encourage you to consider doing so. I do and find the support I get from my sessions invaluable.

By | 2017-12-13T12:03:09+00:00 December 13th, 2017|

Check Yourself!

If you can’t use your own voice to defend your desires, to support your needs or to speak up for yourself, I believe that you are not empowered, and cannot empower others.

By | 2017-12-13T12:04:13+00:00 December 11th, 2017|

Educate Yourself

I dropped into a yoga class today purely out of intuition. The demand on my time and energy recently has been draining. I needed some down time to rest, focus on my breath and incorporate some deliberate, conscious movement. A piece of music during the poses connected to the stress I’d been feeling and moved me to tears. I’m grateful I listened and for the timely opportunity. I encourage you to find similar ways this week to connect with yourself, to rest and restore.

By | 2017-12-13T12:03:53+00:00 December 10th, 2017|

Learning Opportunity

Chair massage gigs provide me with an opportunity to meet diverse groups of people. Depending on the location and type of workforce in a company they may be fun and talkative, or serious and reserved.

I happen to do a gig at a facility that had the former group of People.

They were of the working class, packers, drivers, managers and machine operators.

In massaging them I encountered tight forearms hardened by tying and lifting boxes. I met hands that were rough and worn and whose fascia had become restricted and altered from repetitive, strained movements. These people stand on hard concrete floors that hurt their feet and wear their joints.

I met eager and exhausted drivers ready to jump onto or fall asleep on my chair.

I had conversations about long distance relationships and about an aunt who had lived past a hundred.

I had a woman who had decided to come in for a sample based on recommendations but was very suspect about me and my chair. She was sure about what I was going to do. She even clarified if I was going to ‘crack her’.

She pulled back defensively when I asked her to remove her glasses, and then decided that she did not want to sit on the massage chair.

So my approach became much softer and involved with this woman. She then felt comfortable during the sample to ask, ‘When does a person feel relaxed?’ 🙂

While a massage chair isn’t the more ideal or attractive option to give a massage it does provide an opportunity to experience some interesting and unique interactions 🙂

By | 2017-12-04T07:34:10+00:00 December 9th, 2017|

First, Practice!

Helping my clients resolve their health issues and keep their health in order serves as a strong reflection for me to pay attention to my own health.

I have become much more aware of what get me off balance, causes me stress or doesn’t serve or support me.

If you haven’t considered bodywork as part of your health and wellness routine I encourage you to consider doing so. I do and find the support I get from my sessions invaluable.

By | 2017-12-04T07:32:00+00:00 December 8th, 2017|

It’s a Process

When you choose to get hands-on bodywork like Craniosacral Fascial Therapy, it’s important to note that symptoms you have been experiencing can sometimes get worse before they become better, or that what has been brewing within your body’s systems can be catalyzed into a new issue.

It is important to stay aware and BECOME present when your body, mind, spirit or ENERGY calls your attention.

By | 2017-12-04T07:30:07+00:00 December 6th, 2017|

Perspective Matters!

Perspective is really, REALLY important.

It can make a difference between understanding and staying or walking away and letting go.

In health it is really important that the bodywork or medical practitioner listen to what the client or patient has to say.

It is not uncommon for me to hear from my client or patient that their medical or bodywork practitioner doesn’t not listen to what they have to say, or give them their full attention.

Does your health provider – bodywork, medical or otherwise LISTEN to you?

By | 2017-12-04T07:27:38+00:00 December 5th, 2017|

It’s Your Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your birthday is a special day to remind you that you are important, that you matter and that you’re very, very special. My wish is that you always follow your heart and pay attention to the clear voice inside you, That you build a strong heart and spirit and that you live up to your potential. …And if it isn’t your birthday, I recommend that you make believe that it is, at least for today!

By | 2017-12-04T07:23:28+00:00 December 4th, 2017|