

‘The rest of my body feels better connected to my head’, said the young person on my table.
I asked ‘What benefit do you get from that feeling?’
‘I feel more coordinated.’
‘Can you explain?’
‘I feel more coordinated in general.’  😀
This was significant because this person has a tendency to bump into things, then gets bruised, and stays bruised longer. ☹️
They was more…
‘My legs feel more in tune with the rest of my body.’  😀
When two specific bones of the head [the Sphenoid & Occiput] are out of alignment eye/motor coordination problems can result.  When these bones are brought back into alignment critical eye/motor coordination can be restored.  This can then significantly improve one’s ability to perform functions most of us take for granted.
By | 2018-07-15T10:28:19+00:00 July 15th, 2018|


What do you think it would mean to a kid to be able to touch his toes again?


That’s exactly what Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) did for a kid whose body was already tight and had only been getting tighter of recent.

In helping the body to release some of its tightness CFT allowed the kid to feel looser and more comfortable in his body.  It created space and openness for him to move with ease.

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy has untapped potential to help the body of any child move through space with great clarity, function and ease.

By | 2018-07-15T10:24:35+00:00 July 14th, 2018|


I recently took a bridesmaid’s dress to get altered at a dry cleaner.  The salesperson who took my measurements wasn’t the tailor.

When I picked up the dress a week later, I discovered that even though I’d lost some weight the dress felt surprisingly tighter.  When I tried to figure out what the problem was, I discovered that the shoulders straps had been altered by a different amount on each side.

So I called the sales person to let her know what the problem was.  She then let the tailor know, and he agreed to make the correction without personally coming to take a look.

I asked if he would oblige me and he did.  This helped him to understand what I was experiencing.

When it was all done, I began to wonder.  Would the dress have been altered correctly the first time if the tailor had been the one to have taken the measurements?

By | 2018-07-15T10:23:21+00:00 July 13th, 2018|


MOM ‘ME’ time is important for moms, for moms who put their families first, and who very often don’t think of their needs at all. A parent who had brought their child in for emotional support was intrigued with the difference it was making, so decided to sign themselves up for the same. Progressively, they also recognized the importance of scheduling different day appts. for each of them. How often do you as a parent carve out ‘ME’ time for yourself in your schedule?

By | 2018-07-02T21:23:51+00:00 July 6th, 2018|


Sometimes we have a lot of things going on inside us emotionally that it becomes way too much to process at a given time. This holding in uses space and energy and puts the body under continual strains and stress. The build-up of stress can contribute to tightness and pain within the body’s connective and muscle tissues.

Craniosacral Fascial therapy can be helpful in releasing the tightness, pain, and stress in the body’s tissues and help the body to become open, soft and loose.

Bodymind Acupressure® can help to release “armoring” or chronic tension, balance the “Qi” or energy, and improve vitality while inducing a deep state of peace and relaxation. Hands-on therapeutic bodywork can make a lasting difference in helping you and your body resolve stress and tension and enable and empower you to continually move towards health and thrive

By | 2018-07-02T21:22:20+00:00 July 4th, 2018|


A young child came in with an unusual pain around the low back /hip area which precipitated from a normal move he had made during basketball camp. As soon as I started working on him he expressed continued pain which is far from usual in my work. This indicated very strongly to me that he should be looked at by the chiropractor in the office. She then confirmed the tightness I had found in his body a few weeks ago. Due to the amount of tightness in his body and the adjustments needed to address it, it left him feeling pretty tender. This feeling can last up to 24+ hours and I informed him of the same. What became really helpful after the adjustment was the Craniosacral Fascial Therapy wellness session that was continued after the adjustment. It was timely, in that it soothed, comforted and relaxed his body, and helped it to integrate the adjustment. If you or your child are having complications from a sports / athletic injury, consider a combination of Craniosacral Fascial Therapy and Chiropractic to get your bodies and tissues back in order.

By | 2018-07-09T18:48:04+00:00 July 2nd, 2018|

You Need Bodywork!

If you find yourself building tension in your body you’ve got to find a safe and effective way to let it out of you.

Loudly articulating, singing or jumping can help significantly in reducing and dissipating the tension inside.

This tension can build up from what we know of as stress.

If stress doesn’t have a way to dissipate, it will accumulate and occupy energy 24/7 in your body’s tissues, join, tendons and organs.

Non invasive, gentle, effective bodywork can help you get in touch with yourself and what is going on inside of you.

Working with a skilled and strategic practitioner will empower you to resolve the issues you’re struggling with on the inside and out.

By | 2017-12-20T11:47:09+00:00 December 25th, 2017|

It was meant for someone else…

A few months ago I referred a potential client to another practitioner whose work I felt was a better fit to initiate healing than mine.

I met the client today who took my recommendation and has seen the other practitioner twice. It was pleasant to note that her skin and face were much brighter and that she seemed more present in her body.

She has also been receiving compliments from friends observing the changes in her.

It’s a gift I’ve developed to help others heal that came part circle today.

Following one’s intuition and doing the right things are key in growing one’s work naturally and organically.

By | 2017-12-20T11:45:03+00:00 December 24th, 2017|

Time Out!

When things get really busy or chaotic I find that I need to get really, really quiet.

Today was one of those days when I needed to just be by myself in the morning for a few hours. I knew that the rest of the day was going to pull my energy from me in spurts and bursts.

Do you recognize when you need to step away from the noise, chaos or busyness of your life? Do you listen to the messages you silently get from your body?

If you have trouble listening or don’t know how to, I’ll be glad to help you get on the path!

Check out how I’ve helped others like yourself @

By | 2017-12-20T11:43:32+00:00 December 23rd, 2017|

I Love Thee Water!

A client came in today after a strenuous trip for an event out of state. The return back into town was stressful and exhausting. She also hadn’t hydrated well during the trip which then had a significant effect on her body. The lack of proper hydration had made her body and tissues tighter.

If you’ve got a short trip running to the store or a longer one requiring more time, consider taking a bottle of water with you.

Staying adequately hydrated can be an easy and effective tool in helping you stay alert AND reduce fatigue.

By | 2017-12-20T11:42:07+00:00 December 22nd, 2017|