Jet Lagged…

Jet Lagged…

PICT - Peppermint

…and feeling like my heart and emotions are in a couple of other places:)

I’ve just returned from visiting family abroad this past week and have been working on moving through jet lag and getting back into the groove.

It hasn’t been easy, because while my body is present here, my mind, heart and emotions seem to be connected to other far away places.

So, to help me boost my memory and stimulate my senses I turned to a familiar friend – Peppermint.  I’ve been using a drop of the essence in my green tea at least twice a day.  In addition, I’ve allowed myself to take it a little easier than usual so that I can come back more gently.

Aromatherapy is one of the best friends I use to help me move gently and effectively through any experience where I need mental, emotional or physical support.

If you know anyone or need help yourself with something emotional or physical that’s been a little trying recently, consider using Aromatherapy to help make the journey a little easier.  Learn more:Get Well With Aromatherapy